Holiday Hours at the Caffe
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottBring friends and family to enjoy our woodland Caffe this Holiday!
Please note the following Holiday hours that you can visit.
New Winter Weekend Hours at the Caffe
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scott Caffe Driade has switched to our Winter Weekend Hours! 
Enjoy our beautiful woodland Caffe from 8am until 2pm on Weekdays (Monday through Friday) & 9am to 3pm Saturdays and Sundays
Plenty of time to warm up from the cold with our heaters and blankets & delicious warm coffee, tea, etc.!
Thanks for all the tremendous support, and we look forward to an exciting New Year!
Share Some of Carrboro Coffee Roasters’ Winter Solstice Blend!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottCarrboro Coffee Roasters carefully paired three of their distinct Farmer Direct Relationship coffees as a representation of their personal relationships with coffee producer-partners, who are such an integral part of how CCR works and supports the coffee industry, and the people in it.
CCR have blended 3 individually delightful Farmer Direct Relationship coffees, from 3 distinct farms, that together create something unique and timely for this season of gathering and reflection.
Together these coffees present a luscious red fruit sweetness and acidity that is balanced by a wonderful caramel and chocolate base, a round silky body, and a dash of seasonal baking spice in the finish.
This blend offers a delicious experience that represents the unity and comforts of the season!
This makes a great gift on it’s own or paired with a mug or a Chemex brewer!
Available at the Caffe or online to ship to family & friends.
Caffe Driade Re-Opening on Thursday, 10/29 at 8am!
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottWe are reopening this Thursday 10/29 @ 8am!

We look forward to seeing you Thursday!
Caffe Driade Re-opening Tuesday, September 8th at 8am!
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottWe’ve got some exciting news…
Caffe Driade is officially reopening on Tuesday September 8th @ 8am!
We’ve missed you and can’t wait to see you again!
To protect the safety of all, seating will be spaced out at least 6 feet apart and we ask that neither tables nor chairs are moved from their designated spots.
Each table will have a two-sided sign, one side green and the other red. Red means stop and green means go!
Tables that have been sanitized and are ready for use will have the sign green side up.
If you see a table with the red side of the sign facing up, please see a staff member for sanitizing before sitting.
As you leave your table, please flip the sign over to the red side indicating that the table needs to be sanitized and see a staff member for any questions.
You can also continue to support the caffe by shopping at the Carrboro Coffee Roasters online store, for coffee, brewing equipment and more, delivered via mail right to your door.
How to Help Farmers, Our Employees, and Our Business
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottAs a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, Caffe Driade has temporarily suspended service after having run at reduced hours with carry-out and curbside delivery only for a while. Our staff have been furloughed and have had significant decreases in hours and pay in the operational timeframe.
We have set up a Virtual Tip Jar to help supplement the tipped income lost by our dedicated and hard-working team. All of the money raised will be divided up among our staff and go directly to them to help support in this time of financial uncertainty.
This time of social distancing has reminded us more than ever how special our community is, and we are looking forward to the day when we can open up the doors for everyone’s enjoyment once again. Basically, we miss you!
Thank you so much for any support you can offer.
There are a few more meaningful ways you can help us, our employees, and our farmer partners around the world:
Our sister flagship cafe, Open Eye Cafe is open Monday – Friday from 7am – 7pm and Saturday – Sunday from 8am – 7pm, offering carry-out (keeping appropriate social distance and touch-free checkout), and curbside delivery by calling 919-968-9410. See current offerings in menu online –
Visit Carrboro Coffee Roasters’ online shop & order coffee, brewing equipment, gift cards, and more. They ship anywhere in the U.S., and you can get it right to your door without ever leaving your home. Don’t need coffee yet? Send some to friends and family who do. You can also subscribe to monthly coffee deliveries or give a subscription as a gift. SHOPCARRBOROCOFFEE.COM
Online gift cards will support Caffe Driade now, and the employees who work so hard every day, 364 days a year to brighten your day with amazing beverages.
If , like us, you are worried about the economic survival of all the local restaurants and retail shops that make our community a better place, please keep spreading the word on our efforts & all the ways people can continue to support local business without leaving home, or in a safe way.
Maybe you, or someone you know, can take a moment to post our efforts, write an article, or interview us to help spread the word.
Covid-19 and how we are staying safe
/2 Comments/in Uncategorized/by scottWe know that the COVID-19 outbreak has affected many of you already in daily life, and these are uncertain times for everyone in our specialty coffee community and beyond.
I’m writing to let you know that our commitment to do everything possible to provide you with the best coffees, and to support our partners at origin, especially those harvesting, processing and shipping coffees right now.
We are continually monitoring and adhering to all official recommendations, and taking additional steps, to ensure our team is healthy and able to continue their work and safely provide coffee service to our customers.
Public health is extremely important to us, and it is our duty to help ensure the public safety of our customers and staff. In that regard, below is what we at the Caffe are doing to keep everyone safe, as well as some helpful information to help keep you and your loved ones safer.
<div dir=”auto”>- We are encouraging all employees to work from home whenever possible and our employees have our full support at this time.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We require that all employees who exhibit signs of respiratory illness, fever, or cough to stay at home.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We are supplying all of our employees with disinfectant & hand sanitizer to be used constantly throughout the day.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We have implemented the use of color-coded gloves for handling different aspects of the business and provide a barrier.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We are also mandating thorough hand washing, and encouraging/reminding all employees to avoid touching their faces.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We will not be holding any in-person company meetings, gatherings, or training exercises until the situation has subsided.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We are diligent in sanitizing every touchable surface in our operations.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We are not conducting any public cuppings, nor group staff cuppings. This includes the Carrboro Coffee Roasters Public Workshops that are currently suspended.
<div dir=”auto”>- We have switched to serving in paper products as take-away only and will be restructuring our hours.</div>
<div dir=”auto”>- We are strategizing for next stages of potentially adding curb-side pickup.</div>
Remember to wash hands frequently, avoid touching the face, and practice good general hygiene, including creating the Spatial Distancing to diminish potential contamination.
Remember, the best way to deal with this situation is to follow real, verifiable science and the CDC. There is a lot of misinformation out there right now. Stay diligent, healthy, support local businesses, and stay caffeinated.
<h2>Wash Your Hands Often</h2>
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
<h2>Follow Good Respiratory Hygiene</h2>
Please cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
<h2>Clean Phones, Etc.</h2>
Use alcohol wipes (60% or higher) to wipe down common use items, often handled directly with your hands.
<h2>Follow Social/Spatial Distancing</h2>
Keep a minimum of 6 feet of distance between individuals to mitigate potential transmission
Feburary/March Barista’s Choice
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by michelleWe’ve made it to our second month of 2020 and that means our first Barista’s Choice of the year is here! Meet Meagan and her drink, the “coco-NUTS for you,” a toasted coconut cappuccino ?☕️10% of Meagan’s drink sales are being donated to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service, a Carrboro non-profit that works to confront the causes and respond to the effects of poverty in our community. Meagan’s coco-NUTS for you will be on this month and all of March – make sure to order one and support a great local cause! Read more about Meagan, her drink and choice of charity below ??
Q: Tell us about your barista’s choice drink.
A: My drink is a toasted coconut cappuccino that I’m calling the “I’m coco-NUTS for you”. It is a combination of espresso, steamed milk and my house made coconut syrup. The syrup is non-dairy, using coconut milk and sugar. It is warm, decadent and smooth.
Q: What charity are you choosing to donate proceeds of your drink to this month & why?
A: I’ve chosen the Inter-Faith Council for Social Service. They are located right here in Carrboro. The center of their mission is to confront poverty and build community. I think of them as a one stop shop for resources providing food, affordable housing, emergency financial assistance, advocacy. I have seen their aid help many people.
Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
A: My baby sister was accidentally born in the living room of my childhood home when I was 9 years old! My dad and I delivered her although, admittedly, my mom did most of the work.
Q: In honor of single’s awareness day this month, what is the worst date you’ve ever been on?
A: Oh boy. He took me to a brewery that allowed dogs. We were having a nice time. He walked away to order drinks. Meanwhile, a puppy ran up to me, so I started chatting with its owner. He came back and nearly dropped our drinks when he saw that the dog owner I was talking to was his very recent ex-girlfriend!
Q: What is the first concert you ever went to?
A: Classic pre-teen in the 90s – NSYNC.
Q: What’s your favorite drink to order in cafés right now?
A: Breve macchiato.
Q: What book(s) are you reading right now?
“White Teeth” by Zadie Smith.
Q: Cats or Dogs?
A: I live with 2 fabulous cats right now but I would love to own a dog.
Q: Beach or Mountains?
A: I was born and raised in Florida – forever beaches.
Q: Favorite alt. Milk?
A: I have rediscovered my love for soymilk these days.
Q: Go-to Latte art?
A: Not my strong suit. I can achieve a heart looking shape about 50% of the time. Stay tuned as I practice!
Q: Favorite herbal tea?
A: Get smart.
Q: Favorite Carrboro Coffee Roasters coffee?
A: Jose Arnold Paz’s La Perla
December Barista’s Choice
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized/by michelleBARISTA HIGHLIGHT | ??Meet Thurmond and his Barista’s Choice drink, the “Spruce Willis,” a very classy clarified milk-punch made with the Ardi cold brew, winter blend tea lemon juice and sugar. 10% of the proceeds for the Spruce Willis will be donated to Table, a local non-profit whose mission is to provide healthy, emergency food aid every week to preschool, elementary, middle and high school children living in Chapel Hill, Carrboro and neighboring Orange County communities. Get to know more about Thurmond, the “Spruce Willis” and his choice of charity in his Q&A below:
Q: Tell us about your baristas choice drink.
A: My barista‘s choice drink is a clarified milk punch made with the Ardi cold brew, winter blend tea lemon juice and sugar. I wanted to see if I could re-create a non alcoholic version of one of my favorite cocktails, while highlighting one of my favorite coffees. I decided to name it Spruce Willis because Die Hard is one of my favorite movies and totally counts as a Christmas movie.
Q: What charity are you choosing to donate proceeds of your drink to this month & why?
A: I will be donating to Table here in Carrboro, I volunteered there after I graduated college as a middle school health foods ambassador. I really appreciate the work that they do and think it’s very important.
Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
A: My partner Kandis and I follow the Academy Awards very closely. We will have seen most of this years nominated movies before the award show. We look forward to it every year.
Q: What is your New Years Resolution?
A: Get rich and pretend like I don’t know anybody.
Q: Cats or Dogs?
A: Easily dogs! We don’t deserve dogs.
Q: Beach or Mountains?
A: Beach. I will always be a California kid at heart. There’s nothing like the beach.
Q: What’s your favorite drink to order in cafés right now?
A: Mostly a Double shot of espresso when I’m running around during the day, but if I have time to sit down with something I’d make myself a pour-over of whatever featured coffee we currently have.
Q: What book(s) are you reading right now?
A: Taco USA by Gustavo Arellano and I’m loving it.
Q: Favorite alt. Milk?
A: Oat is good, but with anything less than 8oz I’ll just go with whole milk.
Q: Go-to Latte art?
A: Tulips
Q: Favorite herbal tea?
A: Eight Herb. I always have our house stocked with it.
Q: Favorite Carrboro Coffee Roasters coffee?
A: All time probably Saul Melara’s Finca El Pinabetal. Currently I’m really into the Holiday Blend.
1215 E Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 942-2333
Mon-Fri: 8am-2pm
Sat & Sun: 9am-3pm